Friday, November 27, 2009
He wears izods, I wear t-shirts
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday's Exciting Moments in TV Production: Last Night a DJ Saved Our Lives
Lately it's been feeling like the only way to get anywhere is by sneaking in the stage entrance-- pulling favors, weaseling our way into one situation or another. It's definitely more exciting that way. In this case, it was who we knew-- and it's always good to know the DJ.
Here we are in the DJ booth!
Life is certainly a journey when you're hanging out with DJ Journey! Before the event I said, "You know, we're not used to getting gussied up like this..." He said, "Well you better get used to it!"
Oops, here we are with a Rod Stewart look-alike!
And do you recognize this guy from the Crest commercial? Very nice lad.
The important thing is that we set out to network and though, perhaps a combined 6 limey gimlets got between us and really shelling out those business cards, together we handed out a total of 5 cards! And we have some creepy memories!
(Good thing the music was amazing).
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Giving Thanks
5. Being employed: For as much as I've allocated my words on this page to bitching about work and my lack of weekends and how difficult adjusting to the "real world" of legal practice is, I've also seen far too many facebook status messages from friends and acquaintances facing uncertainties of the economy. I've mentored law students who look at me fearfully when I ask what kind of job they'd like and they can only answer "any job." So I'm thankful for colleagues I respect and appreciate, and an office to return to each day. At least for now.
4. Having my family safe on solid ground: My BigBrotherTuesday is among the many wonderful men and women of our Armed Forces who spent the past year thousands of miles from home protecting our country, and I'm very thankful that he gets to spend this holiday season here with his family.
3. Quiet Sunday afternoons: Perhaps a corollary to number one. The hectic pace at which I careened through the summer months has made me truly appreciate the weekends when I have the ability to sit in my sweatpants until 2 pm and cleaning, doing laundry, making yummy breakfast, and talking to my parents on the phone. Some of the best days are the ones spent doing very little.
2. Old friends: HT and I have had multiple opportunities in the past year to reunite and reconnect with friends from various stages of life, whether it be childhood friends, college classmates, or former colleagues, the number of random but touching encounters we've had continue to grow. And in those moments, we found ourselves falling back into exactly the way things were 5, 10, or in some cases even 15 years ago, and I can't think of much better than having such deep bonds of friendship.
1. New Beginnings: Last year was the start of a unique phase life in which HT and I are starting to make our own holiday traditions. And for as much as I have whined this year about split holidays and dealing with the logistics of being away from home, I'm learning that my home, our home, is really and truly together. It won't be smooth, and it will keep changing over the course of at least the next 5 years or so, if not longer, but it's a great adventure to be embarking on, and I'm thankful to have such a wonderful partner on that journey.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Long Day
I’ve been up since 2:30. A.M. (I wish it was PM, that would be a nice thing to write about, eh? Although probably very uninteresting….). I am not a fan of getting up early, but don’t really mind it when I can get my early event over with and relax through the rest of the day. This is not one of those days. I got up, drove 2 and a half hours to the airport, flew for an hour, and then hopped in the car for another 3 hour drive. Then went to work. Blech. And the worst part is…..I saw someone I know at the airport.
I HATE seeing people I know from high school. For those of you who know me well, you know that I avoid, at all costs, having anything to do with this part of my life. I didn’t really enjoy high school, didn’t really get a whole lot out of it, and other than one very, very dear friend, I couldn’t care less about the 375 other people who had to struggle through the fairly miserable existence alongside me. I played a lot, I mean A LOT, of soccer in high school, which meant I wasn’t around in the evenings and on weekends to have a normal high school experience and make a lot of friends at my particular school. I was about the same height I am now, but only about 80 pounds. Dripping wet. So I wasn’t anything to look at. I got decent grades, but was really quiet, and overall, just didn’t stand out. Meh.
Anyway, I was always envious of the people who seemed to be living a charmed high school existence and knew that once I could make it through those four years there was more out there for me. So I moved away and never looked back. Now, unfortunately, my entire family, minus MommaMonday, still lives there. This means that I always run the risk of running into someone I know when I go back (reason number 394 not to go to the Wal-Mart in town). Which is pretty regularly. So far I’ve managed to stay under the radar. Until today.
As sad as this is, I’m still young enough and immature enough to take some small amount of glee in people who look drastically different than they did in high school (and I, of course, mean look worse). The girl that I ran into, Emily, was fairly popular and well-liked, although I was never sure why. She was always one of those people who seemed like she was trying too hard to fit in and be popular when there was nothing really outstanding about her. Nice enough, smart enough, but she just reeked of popular-girl desperation. So here she was in the
Anyway, I’m rambling. Which is what I do on little to no sleep. Suffice to say it was sad to run into someone I know (we never made eye contact or spoke), but it was even worse that I can’t be a big girl about it.