Only a few days remain until the next presidential election. That's right- I'm going there. But don't worry, I don't want to preach my perspective or even talk policy. What's funny about that, is that if anyone should be conducting a dialogue about politics, it's probably someone like me. I have an advanced degree in public policy (as do several members of this blog) and I'm also not prone to yelling at or judging people. So I think I could do it and keep it classy. Despite my lack of ignorance and my general calm regarding politics, I don't think I know everything. I don't assume I know more or that I'm on a higher moral ground than anyone I'm talking to. Unfortunately, a lot of people do. And very unfortunately, a lot of people who are famous because they are pretty or can entertain people (or not) think that despite the fact that they probably haven't gone to college, they are equipped and empowered to lecture the American electorate. Which is a low down dirty shame.
The greatest celebrity endorsement this year has been by the great Opraaaaaaah Wiiiiiiiiinfrey! (As she herself would say it.) I know Miss O has given a massive amount of money to charity, which I can appreciate. I think an even more significant achievement of hers is the way she has used her talk show to bring so many relevant topics into America's consciousness. I think she has really broken down barriers, and I applaud her for it. But she's starting to get a little nutty. She brought Michael Moore on her show to discuss 'Sicko', and lauded him, stressed the fundamental right of all Americans to have free health care. Clearly, Oprah is implying that you are some sort of fascist bastard if you disagree with her. I'm sorry, Ms. Winfrey, but life is a little more complicated than that. I don't think it's right for a celebrity to endorse a candidate, but maybe I would give some leeway to a famous person who clearly respects and intellectually appreciates different points of view. Oprah is not that person. And considering her incredible influence, I find it really irresponsible of her. Plus, it's easier to support a redistribution of wealth when you have as much money as she does. That bitch should walk in my shoes.
She is not the only one stumping, but she is one of the most egregious offenders. It speaks not so well of our society that we care what Ben Affleck, Barbara Streisand, Chuck Norris and Bruce Willis think about politics. There are people who can be convinced to follow a candidate based on the power of celebrity suggestion. As much as I don't understand why that is, I understand less why all these of these celebs are so righteous that they will appear on Larry King and Bill O'Reilly, spouting off whatever their party's press release tells them to. I guess being a celebrity gives a person a false sense of confidence. I only wish the American voter was as confident in his and her own beliefs.