Thursday, November 13, 2008


My husband recently got an offer to work for a great Fortune 500 company after he graduates from B-school. He received the phone call with the offer last Friday. Consequently, the last 6 days have been full of excited late-night talks discussing our plans for next year, the upcoming years, and our future endeavors.

The last two years have been full of mostly exciting but also some challenging times in our relationship while he was going to school and I was working. There was so much hard work that has led to this final, great announcement. He has spent countless late nights at the school studying, we have given up weekends so he could prepare for assignments and we have spent hours doing mock interviews together as he prepared for presentations and/or interviews.
We are not sure which location he will be working at. It could be anywhere in the US, however, he will most likely be working in Fairfax, VA or Houston, TX. This, however, puts me in an interesting predicament…

I have been working the last two years while he is in grad school. Although I don’t know if I will stay with my currently company forever, it has given me great resume-building experience, and excellent business-to-business understanding. So, now that we know that we won’t be staying in Pittsburgh past the summer I find myself in a quandary. I can either A) Let my boss know now that we are leaving this summer or I can B) Wait to tell him.

The pros with letting him know now are that when I do eventually leave the company I will leave with a stronger relationship and he will likely appreciate my honesty with him. Also, depending upon where my husband is transferred I may have the opportunity to transfer to a different regional location within the same company.

There are also a few cons associated with letting them know now what I plan to do. The main one being that I will likely be given less accounts to work with in the future. I am in a sales position where the relationship I have with my clients is crucial to generating revenue for the company. I would assume that if he knew I were just going to leave in 8 months he would cease to give me new business and allow a different Account Manager to handle the new customers.
This means less commissions and revenue for me and basically my current salary has no opportunity to grow. Also, the company I work for is a bit cut-throat. I know that in the past, salespeople who have left have tried to give two weeks notice but they were told they had to leave that day – they were not allowed two weeks. So, my fear is that I tell my boss now that I am planning to leave and I am then ostracized within the office.

However, I continue to have this nagging feeling that if I don’t let him know of our departure this summer that I am somehow behaving immorally or dishonestly and I hate that feeling! Has anyone dealt with this situation before? If so, how did you handle this? Reversely, has anyone ever been in the employer’s position and had an employee break this kind of news?? This would be a great time for an “interactive blog”! I would love any and all advice/feedback.


Girl Friday said...

Here's what you gotta do, GTh-- Lie! Definitely wait to tell your boss until you are ready to deal with the repercussions- maybe a month before you are moving. And tell him that your husband got a great opportunity and that is what you have decided to do as a family. You don't have to tell him how long you've known about it-- that is where the white lie comes in. But don't feel bad about not being totally upfront. Remember they are a corporation which will always do what is best for their bottom line. If it wasn't cost-effective to have you, they would fire you. You can't feel bad for doing what's best for you. If he makes you leave that day after all the hard, honorable work you have done for him, screw them!

Girl Thursday said...

haha, ok, thanks GFriday! The feedback is VERY much appreciated!! Although I know this is what I need to do, I still feel a bit guilty. It helps my reassurance levels knowing that others agree that this is the best plan of attack.

Lizabeth said...

I'm totally on board with GF.