Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions are very hard for me to keep! I always concoct these elaborate and detailed schemes to lose weight, run faster, educate myself more, etc. I am gung-hoe and dedicated for about two weeks. Then I lose a few pounds, start to think I look good again and become less dedicated. Or a new season of American Idol begins and my resolution to read instead of watch television wears thin as I begin to laugh at the goons and become interested in the characters.

This year, I made a decision to make two resolutions that I have never tried to make before. I came up with two:

1 – I will not hit 'ignore' on my phone. I have a very bad habit of ignoring phone calls if I am busy and then never checking my voicemails. My mailbox gets full about every two weeks and then I get angry texts from my friends and family demanding that I delete my voicemails because it makes them worried that something is wrong with me. Finally, I started to tally up the all the wasted time involved with checking my voicemails, calling them back, play phone tag, etc. I figured that if I just would have answered my phone on the first ring then I would save myself a lot of wasted time.

2 – I will be a better wife. This was one I have never tried to make before because I have never been a wife at New Years before! I know that you always hear you shouldn't create vague resolutions like this one. But, at times, I find that I could have responded better to a particular situation, done a better job of keeping things organized, or been more supportive towards my husband. I don’t think I am a bad partner, but there is always room for improvement. This one shouldn’t be too hard to keep.

So, there you have it. My 2009 New Years resolutions written down and broadcasted to the world. Let’s see how long these will last… :)

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