Friday, May 22, 2009

The Diamonds in the Rough

I think it's hillarious that only GirlTuesday has posted so far. Even I am several hours late as you can see. It's funny how the universe works. Even though we are all living totally different lives, we all find ourselves extremely busy on the same week. Except for GirlTuesday- she has tons of time. J/K! She's probably the busiest, but also the most responsible.

I thought a lot of teachers in my school district were deplorable. When I was in 4th grade and we did a Social Studies unit on our town, my teacher insisted that our town was incorporated. It's not. I got that fact wrong on the test, even though I was actually right, but the test ending up being thrown out anyway because it was so poorly constructed. Yup, teachers that can't write a decent exam for 4th graders learning about their hometown. That's my district.

But okay, some were good. My 3rd grade teacher was extremely demanding and yelled all the time. No one wanted her. I was really scared when I was assigned to her class. But thank goodness I was. She was one of the only teachers I have had who actually pushed her kids and wanted them to literally be the best they could. 3rd grade was a crucial year for me-- it was the year I became the girl who would eventually be in all honors and AP's, and go on to elite schools and jobs. Now that is influence.

Someone else I also really appreciate is my junior high orchestra teacher. Since we had to set up our instruments before we starting rehearsing in class, a lot of students would take advantage and get to Orchestra class after the bell rang, since it was hard for the teacher to notice. But she started to. She warned us that we would get detention if we were late. But I didn't worry about it. I figured, I was a good kid, I had never gotten in trouble and I never would. Sure enough, I was late one day and she made me go to detention. I think this was also a great lesson, that you can't expect your reputation to save you, and you will lose it if you don't maintain it.

Teachers do have a lot of influence and I'm quite relieved that although there were a lot of duds involved in my education, there were also some gems.

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