Friday, December 4, 2009

Tim Tebow Drinking Game

I want to apologize to anyone who has no idea who Tim Tebow, (sub)Urban Meyer or Verne Lundquist are. I'm really excited about the big game tomorrow, and I thought this was really funny:

In honor of Tebow's sheer awesomeness, we give you the Tebow SEC Championship Drinking Game!

* Drink every time Tebow's called "a leader," then salute.
* Drink every time Tebow's called a "special athlete," then yell "Tiiiimmmmmmmmay!"
* Finish your drink if the announcers suggest Tebow should win the Heisman again this year.
* Drink every time Tebow points to the sky. Then realize the only reason the sky hasn't fallen is the strength of his pointing.
* Drink every time Tebow references God. Or himself. Tom-A-to. Tom-ah-to.
* Drink every time he's shown on the sidelines flapping his arms like a bird to pump up the crowd.
* If (when) Tebow actually takes flight, finish your drink and do a shot.
* Drink every time Tebow's on camera for no reason when the Florida defense is on the field.
* Drink every time Tebow is seen screaming with his helmet off.
* Drink every time they show a "I Heart Tebow" sign in the stands.
*Drink every time Tebow is called "a warrior."
* Shot every time they mention his experience as missionary.
* If they mention him performing circumcisions in the Philippines while he was a missionary - Chug your beer, do a shot of Patron.
* Drink every time Meyer touches Tebow. Finish the beer if he puts his arm around Tebow. 
* Drink every time they show Tebow's face black. If you can read the bible verse, take a double shot. Take a triple shot if Verne actually quotes the bible verse.
* Drink if they reference "The Promise". Take a double if they play the whole thing. Take a triple if they show the plaque at Florida Field.

(Disclaimer: Playing the Tebow drinking game may well result in death. So don't do it. Ever. Not even in jest. The content above this disclaimer is a joke, not a suggestion. If you're dumb enough to do it, just pray Tebow is nearby. Only he can save you. Him or a local hospital with a stomach pump.)


Girl Tuesday said...

Did you know that when Tim Tebow's tears dripped off his eyeblock, they made roses grow right there on the field?

Yeah, and Colt McCoy saved a man's life.

Lizabeth said...

Just woke up from my Saturday night Tim Tebow drinking. Playing this game is NOT a good idea.

Roll Tide. Tell your boy they got it in the bag. RammerJammer.