Thursday, January 22, 2009

What do I Love to Hate??

This was a challenging topic for me to write about. Growing up my mom’s favorite motto was “Be a solution-finder, not a problem-finder”. Whenever we would complain or talk about something we disliked she were immediately ignored and told to only focus on the things that we could control. Although annoying at the time, I am now very thankful for this valuable approach that we were taught at a young age. As a result, I don’t focus much on the things I dislike. With that being said….everyone thinks at some point about unpleasant or annoying things that they have no control over. It has been really fun reading the other blogs. As I was reading down the web page each morning, I found myself smiling, nodding my head, and thinking, “Oh yeah, that annoys me too!”
As I went through the week, I started to pay close attention to the things that really annoyed me….the things I loved to hate. My list isn’t incredibly extensive or conclusive, but it is a collaboration of things that I realized I strongly dislike.

1. “Facebook” This is actually a hard one for me to put on here. I just recently cancelled my Facebook account. And, not because I hate it, but because I hate the amount of time I was wasting on it. For the past few weeks, I have had to convince myself that I hate Facebook so I am not tempted to re-activate my account. There are times that I do miss ‘snooping’ around on other people’s pages and peeking at old college cohorts. It is fun to see which high school classmates have gotten fat and which ones (sometimes surprisingly!) are very successful. However, I spent way too much time looking at pictures of people I barely knew or reading status updates for people that would never affect my life. So, I quit. Cold turkey. Thus, I now ‘hate’ Facebook.

2. “People who trickle on the toilet seat and don’t wipe it off” I am sorry, but this is absolutely the most disgusting thing ever. I never sit down all the way on a public toilet. Girls, you know the drill. You go to a public restroom, get in a funny “squat” position, and then you do your thing. Sometimes you end up dripping on the toilet seat during the process. I apologize if this is TMI (too much information), but it is the truth, we’ve all been there. The proper thing, then, is to take a wad of toilet paper and wipe of what you have left. The most filthy and sickening thing is when you get to a public bathroom and there are yellow liquid drips all over the seat. Gross! The part that is funny to me is when this happens at the office. Trying to figure out who the ‘culprit’ is can actually be kind of entertaining. You hear the bathroom door shut and turn on your ‘potty-patrol’ mode, stealthily walk over, get a cup of coffee and eyeball whoever walks out. B-U-S-T-E-D!!

3. “Nancy Grace” Do people really care that Caylee’s mom cracked a smile during her court hearing? My heart goes out to that family because they lost a young child, but six months later does the public really need to know every detail of every conversation the mother has had while in prison? My husband loves to watch Nancy Grace (I think mostly it is because he knows how annoyed I get with her). Her behaviors are mostly an act for TV to increase her viewer ratings. Her obvious statements and over-zealous personality are so irritating and force me to change the channel after only a few minutes.

4. “The person at work who gives WAY too much information about their personal life (which is 95% of the time exaggerated).” Everyone knows one of these. The Drama Queen. The person who threatens to quite every-other day (albeit only says this to his/her coworkers) but has never actually acted on this threat. The girl who gives a play-by-play recap of her weekend hook-up with the local-league football player. The thirty-something guy who still tries to hit on the new, young, employees while at the same time complaining about the sex life with his wife. In an office full of sales people “this person” is nearly every employee. Although I will admit this can be entertaining at times, it gets so old.

So there ya go. I started writing this blog thinking it was challenging. I have finished it smiling and realizing it has been kind of fun to focus on the things I get enjoyment out of disliking...

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