Friday, March 27, 2009

The Proust Questionnaire

Every month, Vanity Fair magazine gets a different celebrity to respond to the "Proust Questionnaire", found on the back page of each issue.  You can check out their collection at

Since I'll probably never be famous enough to appear in VF myself, I thought this week it would be fun to take a swing at it:

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
The ability to spend most of my time with loved ones and attempt to make the world a better place.

2. What is your greatest fear?
That I wouldn't be around for my friends and family, especially my husband and my mom.

3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
I can be incredibly apathetic and therefore lazy.  At times, I shouldn't be.

4. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
When people are judgmental and/or unkind.

5. Which living person do you most admire?
Maybe my mom.

6. What is your greatest extravagance?
Never-ending cups of gourmet coffee.

7. What is your current state of mind?
Marital bliss.

8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Avoiding gambling.

9. On what occasion do you lie?
To spare people's feelings.

10. What do you dislike most about your appearance?
My fat arms.

11. Which living person do you most despise?
Maybe Michael Moore.

12. What is the quality you most like in a man?

13. What is the quality you most like in a woman?

14. Which worlds or phrases do you most overuse?
Whatev, OMG

15. What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My mom, my husband, my dog-- not necessarily in that order

16. When and where were you happiest?
In graduate school.

17. Which talent would you most like to have?
I'm a good dancer, but I'd love to be a great one.

18. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

19. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
I married a wonderful man.

20. If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what would it be?
I guess it would be interesting to come back as a man.

21. Where would you most like to live?
The Southeastern United States.

22. What is your most treasured possession?
My teddy bear.

23. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Being single.

24. What is your favorite occupation?
I heart doctors.

25. What is your most marked characteristic?
I'm good with people.

26. What do you most value in your friends?
Their support and their ability to make me laugh.

27. Who are your favorite writers?
Tom Robbins.

28. Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
I don't know, maybe Brutus.

29. Which historical figure do you most identify with?
I don't know, maybe Benjamin Franklin.

30. Who are your heroes in real life?
My mom, my brother, Jennifer Garner, Sean Hannity

31. What are your favorite names?
Courtney, Henry, Morgan, Owen, Macy; I also like my name and my brother's name.

32. What is it that you most dislike?
People who unjustifiably think they are smarter and better than most others.

33. What is your greatest regret?
The way I treated a friend in 6th grade.

34. How would you like to die?
Peacefully, at a very old age, at the same time as my husband.

35. What is your motto?
Something along the lines of, you gotta be in it to win it.

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