Monday, March 9, 2009

Magic 8-Ball Says: Outlook Good

I really have absolutely no idea what to say this week on the topic of my future family. I have no idea where they are, what they will look like, and who they will consist of. I don’t even like to guess because then it just presupposes that I know what I want. Which I don’t. I’m not sold on kids, hell, I’m not even completely sold on a husband. I’m also not going to marry someone just so I can have kids. If I never find the right person (doubtful!) then I’ll make the decision on kids later. Alone. And if I have a husband who has an ex-wife and kids and we all live together, that might just be okay too. And it’s even better if I can get DaddyMonday to move in. The more the merrier.

It’s all hard to know when you’re, ahem, 27, and unmarried. I really don’t know what life has to throw at me, but I do know that it will be a houseful of ice cream and movies and doggies and sugary cereal. And also a house where everyone does their chores before any of the aforementioned rewards (unless doggies are chores and rewards, which they *totally* are) and where everyone looks out for those who are less fortunate (4 legs and 2) and where weekends are for getting outside or getting out of town! Other than that, it’s all a crapshoot, and that’s what makes life so exciting!

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